Medium Combustion Plant Directive (MCPD) – what your site may need to do to comply with the revised legislation.

The MCPD applies to combustion plants generating between 1 and 50mW thermal.  The MCPD regulates emissions of:

  • NOx – oxides of nitrogen
  • SO2 – sulphur dioxide
  • Dust

Filter Designs have recently implemented solutions for these problems.

  • SNCR urea solution dosing systems customised for clinical waste and biomass plants
  • Sodium bicarbonate or lime dry dosing systems, retrofitted to existing plants
  • New bag filter systems for dust control when cyclones previously managed

The MCPD has been in force since 2018 but new, tighter limits come into force on January 1st 2025 and again on Jan 1st 2030 for existing plants.

The official journal is here:

If your company has a requirement, we have solutions designed and ready to implement.  We are able to respond quickly using multiple suppliers and fabricators to keep your company compliant.

Some relevant case studies are here:

Please get in touch, call us on 01858 419 104 or email [email protected].  We would be pleased to have an informal chat with no obligation to determine whether we can help.

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Get in touch

T: 01858 419 104

E: [email protected]

Our recent Projects

We were contracted to provide 2 small Ceramic filters suitable for a small volume but with a design maximum temperature of 600°C. In addition the filters will be handling a syngas which cannot be mixed with oxygen so an alternative to compressed air would need to be used for the ‘Cleanpulse’ cleaning of the 25 Ceramic element in each of these CPC78 filters. In addition dosing of small amounts of a re-agent is required so the client also opted for a ‘Cleandose’ 25kg bag skid. Find out more about Project CAD below.

Project EE - CleanNOx SNCR System

Project JP2 - Complete Flue Gas Treatment System for Intumescent Paint Furnaces (Phase 2)

Filter Designs Ltd. 2020 - Website by 1PCS